Leona's dance is hiring instructors!
​If you love working with kids and dancing this could be the studio for you! We are always looking to hire instructors throughout the year. If you feel this is a fit for you, please apply.
who we are looking for
Experienced Dancers that have a passion for teaching. Need to have been trained for 2+ yrs. Teaching experience is preferred but not entirely closed off if you are first time teacher, we can help train you!
Specialists in Hip Hop, Acro, Jazz, Tap: We need teachers that can teach beginners, intermediate and advanced dancers. If you have a heart for younger children, we'd especially like to hear from you!
Heart for Kids: Our studio prioritizes relationships with dancers over any technical skills. If you apply, you truly have to have a heart for children.
apply now
Step 1. Email leonas.comp@gmail.com with the subject "Job Application"
Step 2. In email please include, how you heard about this opportunity, what day/time in the next couple weeks are you available for an interview?
Step 3. Attach your resume and any video footage of you teaching, performing, ect...
Step 4. Send and Leona's Dance will get back to you within 24hrs.