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role modelz
Participate in Spring Recital: The dancer must already be participating in our 2024 Spring Recital
If Dad is Not Available: We are not holding this dance just for dads, any Male Role Model in dancers life is able to participate. This can include, uncle, grandpa, brother, teacher, ect… (18 yrs. and up) to be their dance partner.
Practice Times: Practice time is crucial, dancers and Role Modelz will do much better if they can attend ALL practices! We ask you attend at least 2 out of the 3 rehearsals (see days and times below).
Stage Rehearsal: Stage rehearsal attendance at the location of performance is mandatory.
Attire: For the Recital, Role Modelz will wear a plain white t-shirt, dark pants/jeans and shoes. Dancers will wear their costume for the 2025 Spring Recital.
How to register:
Step 1 - Login to your parent account.
Step 2 - Add the role model as a student in your account.
Step 3 - Click REGISTER FOR CLASS. Select the tab for 2025 Role Modelz Dance.
Step 4- Register Role Model into the class of the correct recital their dancer will be performing in. Check our recital page to locate which show your dancer is performing in.
additional help:
Role Modelz will have access to videos and music to practice at home with their dancers. No dance experience requires, we keep it fun and simple so everyone can be a part!
Cost to participate in the Role Modelz dance is $35.00 per Role Model, and is due upon registration. Please note: this is non-refundable after registration, so please make sure you are ready to make this commitment.
Families with Multiple Dancers: You are welcome to dance with more than 1 daughter. It will not be an extra cost. For example 2 dancers with 1 Role Model = $35.00. If you have any questions or concerts please email
practices and stage rehearsal:
There will be 2 rehearsals located in Leona's Dance Studio plus the mandatory dress rehearsal on stage, located at the recital venue.
Practice: This rehearsal is only for the Role Modelz dancing.
Thursday, April 10th at 6:00-7:00 PM (1pm show)
Thursday, April 10th at 7:00-8:00PM (4pm show)
Saturday Practice: This rehearsal is for the dancer and role model to attend.​
Saturday, April 26th at 10:00-11:00AM (1pm show)
Saturday, April 26th at 11:00-Noon (4pm show)
Mandatory Stage Dress Rehearsal: This rehearsal is for dancer and role model to attend
Thursday, May 15th at 6:30-7:00pm (1pm show)
Friday, May 16th at 6:00-6:30pm (4pm show)
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